"We would be like a spiritual giant wheel, within a wheel,
the Creator God in the center.
The spokes of the wheel, being the multi-nation
coming back together around the Creator
reaching out into infinity."

     Many have written in the Guest Book and written emails asking for help in finding their Native American heritage. Many have expressed that they are Native American at heart; or that their Great-grandmother/Great-grandfather, Grandmother/Grandfather, Mother/Father were Native Americans; or that their elder relative told them upon dying that there was Native American blood in their family, taking the details with them to the grave.

     We have many links in the article titled "Native American Geneology/Heritage Resources" to help those that have some knowledge of their ancestors. We have further particular information in the Article titled "So Your Grandmother was a Cherokee Princess." But for many it is a futile search, leaving them feeling like they are missing a part of themselves because they feel they are Native American, but can't "prove it".

    Now there is another answer for those that are "Red-Hearts" or have too little blood of one Nation to be put on the Tribal rolls, it is here in the RedNation of the Cherokee.  [For those who think of themselves as "part Indian" or are told they are "part Indian", I would like to refer you to the article "Part Indian" <smile>]

    I have copied the text from the opening page of the website here for you to read. If you like what you see here, click over to their website and see the rest of what is said. The site is small (but growing) so it will not take long to read and see the "heart" of this Red Nation.

    For many this is an answer to their longing for acknowledgment of who they are and what the have felt.


~~ Stone Woman

PS This site includes a Sacred Smoke Prayer Circle open to all, Newsletters , Humor, Cooking, Medicine/Herbs, Language, Links, Stories, Culture Information, Crafts and Music, as well as what is mentioned above and below. (All are in the process of growing as is RedNation of the Cherokee. )


Osiyo! To all Relation

Being the seventh generation of original peoples, we have heeded the call of our ancestors whom have walked before us, to come together for the unification of all Nations and Tribes of the people. We wish to set the record straight, RedNation of the Cherokee, is an independent, intertribal, international Nation comprised of not just Cherokee alone, but walk the path of the 500 Nations, and have welcomed all 500 Nations people to join with us in this sacred hoop of unification.

We do not make all members Cherokee; one must follow the path of their own ancestors, and their own customs and traditions. We do
choose to follow the old ways of all ancestors of the 500 Nations in recognition of our own people.

We do not need to follow the standards of the antiquated BIA regulations/policies of the late 1700s or after any longer! Which, dices people up into fractions and percentages, we are true human beings and a whole person.

Our beliefs are, if an individual is of multi-Nations, then they should be allowed to honor each of them in their own way, not being forced to choose one over the other.

We of the Red Clay People of all Nations believe, we should not have to prove our heritages on the talking leaves paper, but be allowed to prove in the older way, what is truth in our hearts.

The Creator has heard the prayers of the people, and gave vision to start RedNation of the Cherokee. To make a place, for all the people to have a home and family, to come to and to be finally called brother or sister and to be recognized as blood.

Its time, to change the tears of our ancestors, into joy and to be proud of the new generation! Its also time for doing away with division and fighting amongst the people of different Nations and Tribes.

Strength is like the bundle of arrows, tied together they are unbreakable, separate, they are broken easily. This lesson was taught to us long ago, it is now time to remember that lesson, and abide by it!

Chief Randy Two-Bears Standing Call to the Four Directions




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